Courageous Thoughts


Annual Reviews

Annual Reviews Don’t Have to Suck

There are so many myths and misperceptions around annual reviews, nobody has been able to figure out how to do them effectively. So we just keep doing them badly.

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Courageous Leadership

A Primer on Post-Screw Up Emails

As leaders, we make mistakes. In the end, the details of our mistakes don’t really matter much. What matters is the recovery, which gets less media coverage but pays off in the long run.

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The art of saying no
Courageous Conversations

A Masterclass in the Art of Saying “No.”

Protecting our schedules (and our sanity) isn’t as simple as learning clever or snarky ways to graciously decline an invite here and there. Learn the art of saying “no.”

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Carli Lloyd Soccer Player
Courageous Leadership

4 Things Carli Lloyd (GOAT) Can Teach Us About Leading

People who become superstars are obsessed with what they do. Carli is no exception. She was singularly focused on training hard, getting opportunities to play with the best, and using those opportunities to perfect her craft.

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Customer Service

From Now On, The Customer Comes Second

Walking away from our blind adoration of people with wallets may seem counterintuitive in today’s highly competitive global marketplace. But hear me out…

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glazed donuts with googly eyes

We Need to Talk About Your Return-to-Office Plan

Seriously, pay attention and don’t eff this up.*

You know those times when you pop open a news app on your phone? And what you read strikes fear in your heart? That was me this week. And last week if I’m being honest.

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